When is the last time you picked up a really good book? I’m not talking about a book designed to entertain to you but one designed to enhance your life. Reading books is one of the greatest ways that we can obtain knowledge. Yet it appears that we do not truly appreciate this practice. Instead of their pages becoming worn and tattered from excessive use, too often a book finds itself sitting on a shelf hardly ever touched.
There are so many things we can learn from books. Through the written word we can experience cultures we’ve never seen, enhance skills that we already have as well as develop ones that we don’t. Through books we can discover new places, increase our vocabulary, or become well versed in areas that interest us. Yes, books are tools that can be used to develop us into better individuals.
Yet the majority of adults miss out on this awesome opportunity for self improvement. Outside of attending school many find no reason to obtain the knowledge that can be found in books. For some reason they believe that learning is limited to academia. However this could be farther from the truth. We were created with minds that were designed to gather knowledge for a lifetime.
God tells us that His people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. (Hosea 4:6) I believe this verse is far reaching in its meaning. Could God be telling you that the fulfillment of your dreams, potential, and visions are being destroyed because of a lack of knowledge? Could the simple decision not to invest in yourself through the reading of books cost you the extraordinary life you were created to live?
So let me ask you, what are you waiting for? If you want to become better at your job start reading books in your field. If you want to be a more effective communicator start reading books on communication. If you want to be a better parent pick up a book on parenting. If you want to become a well versed individual simply start reading and if you want to become wiser than you could ever dream start digging into the Bible, the greatest book ever written.
Homework: What areas in your life could use some improvement or what is something that you really would like to learn about? Once you have identified those things commit to finding one book that would help you in that area. Then determine to read at least 15 minutes a day from here on out.
Share: What books have you read that have changed your life? Do you see the value in bettering yourself through reading? Please share your thoughts and insights regarding this post by commenting below. Also, if this post was helpful to you please share it with a friend and be sure to subscribe! Until next time BE EXTRAORDINARY!
Great post a book which I always tend to go back to is ‘The Blessings of Adversity’ by Barry Black. The book has practical inspirational stories to navigate this challenging journey of life. Highly recommend it to those who have not yet read it.
Thanks for sharing! The title alone sounds like we all should take a peak.