In this life we are all going to experience storms, little storms, big storms, or even devastating storms. Storms are a part of the Christian’s journey. We have no control over when they will appear or how severe they may be. Yet, we are not completely helpless. If we make the decision to hold on to the hand of an almighty God, He will equip us to weather any storm. It is His desire that we ride out every storm so that we may then bask in the beautiful glow of the Son, pun intended.
Similar to facing a literal storm there are three principles that we can apply to our spiritual storms that will help us endure.
- Don’t question the storm. When the warning sounds ring out indicating a severe storm is upon us, it is time for action, not time for questioning. It would be foolish to waste time pondering why the storm came to your town or how it developed. That is of no consequence. What matters is surviving the storm. Thus, we must take the same approach when facing the storms of our lives. Spiritual survival must be our focus. It is of the utmost importance and there is no room for questioning.
- Don’t jump ship. In the midst of a storm at sea who would dare jump out of the ship. Yet when faced with spiritual storms many times that is our first response.
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We are quick to jump out of the hands of God, quick to forfeit our faith, and quick to succumb to defeat. Stay in the vessel! There is safety in the vessel. Therefore, we must stay, knowing that God has prepared a ship that is sturdy enough to carry and protect us through any storm. Have faith in the God who holds your vessel in His hand.
- Don’t try to navigate the ship. Let the captain guide the vessel. None of us, regardless of what we may think, possess the skills necessary to be captains of our vessels. When embarking upon a cruise ship or other type of vessel, passengers trust the captain. It must be no different when it comes to our vessels. We must resist the urge to navigate our own way through the storm and surrender all of our control to the true captain, Jesus. He knows exactly what to do to maintain the buoyancy in our vessels and keep us afloat. He knows how to manipulate the sails when the winds of fear, pain, and doubt, come crashing against us. With Him as our captain our vessels will not sink nor lose their course. This He guarantees.
Nobody likes a storm but if we must go through them let’s come out victorious! I pray these 3 simple principles will help you weather your next storm. Jesus cares and looks forward to the opportunity to carry us through each and every one.
Have you experienced storms in your life? I’m sure you have. Please share and encourage others with your stories of victory as you allowed Jesus to be captain of your vessel. Be sure to share and subscribe below!