Saying a Prayer For Your Future Husband
Praying for your future husband is important. Which is why I’m going to share with you why you should be praying for your future husband, how you should be praying for your future husband, the characteristics you should be praying for in a future husband as well as what you should be doing while you are waiting on God’s answer to your prayer for a future husband.
Is it okay to pray for your future husband?
If it is your desire to married then I believe it is absolutely okay for you to pray for your future husband. The word of God tells us that we are to bring all of our requests and concerns to the Lord in prayer Philippians 4:6. So if it is your desire to be married, then take that desire to God and have a conversation with Him about it.
There are also a couple of reasons why it would be wise for you to start praying for your future husband and marriage right now.

1. Marriage is Challenging
Praying for your future husband is important because marriage ain’t no joke. It has the power to make you or brake you. It can impact your happiness, your purpose, your career, and so much more. Yet, the most crucial thing marriage can impact is your eternal salvation. Which is why you’ve got to make sure that you enter into marriage with a prayerful spirit.
2. The Devil Hates Marriage
The moment that you get married and say I do, I guarantee you that the devil has already issued a hit out on your marriage. He has already identified your husband as a target and he has already outlined detailed plans to try destroy him.
So getting into the habit of covering your future husband in prayer is a very wise move. The Word of God tells us about the power of prayer.
The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much. James 5:16
So, if you are living your life in such a way which results in you accepting the righteousness of Christ, your prayers will have power. So you should get into the habit of praying for your potential future husband and your marriage.
How Do You Pray For Your Future Partner?
Any time you pray you must make sure that you come to God with a heart that is submissive to His will. God is our Father and He knows what’s best. Like in the case of the prophet Jeremiah, for reasons that are beyond your understanding, it may not be God’s will for you to have a spouse.
I know that is a hard pill to swallow. However, being married and outside of God’s will is an even harder pill to swallow. Anything outside of God’s will should never be an option for your because it can lead to unimaginable pain.
In addition to having a heart that is receptive to God’s will, you must also make sure that your prayers are in line with the things God desires for you. This is important because those are the types of prayers that God honors. So when you’re praying about a future spouse you should go to the word of God to discover the types of characteristics you should be praying that he possess.
Also you might like this video where I talk about the importance of praying for your future spouse.
Things To Pray For Your Future Husband
I know that a man who is tall dark and handsome, makes a lot of money, and is chiseled like a GQ model might be at the top of your list. Yet, those things aren’t at the top of God’s list for you. They are simply the icing on the cake, but if the cake itself is nasty, no one cares how good the icing is.
So to ensure that you are asking God to bless you with the best husband ever, you need to pray that your future husband has characteristics that are found in God’s word.
To help you with this, in addition to the information below, I’ve also provided you a free printable download of “10 Prayers for my future husband.” It’s designed to help you pray for the characteristics that are so important for your future spouse to have.
1. That He Will Leave and Cleave
One of the most important things you want your future spouse to do, is to leave and to cleave. To put this in modern terms it basically means that he will say bye bye to mommy and daddy, and hello to you. This is how God intends for it to be.
Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and they shall become one flesh. Genesis 2:24
Unfortunately there are many men who have placed their mothers above or in the same position as their wives. This can never work. It’s outside of God’s will for marriage and will lead to conflict. It is God’s desire that a man love, honor, and respect his mother and his father, but at the same time treasurer his wife as number one in his life (outside of God).
2. That He Will Love You
This is something that should go without saying but unfortunately it’s not. The fact is there are many women who find themselves in loveless marriages. This happens because a lot of times men simply do not know how to love.
Love in its truest sense doesn’t always come naturally. Which is why it should come as no surprise to you that the Apostle Paul had to instruct husbands to love their wives.
Husbands, love your wives and do not be bitter toward them. Colossians 3:19
So praying that God will teach your future husband how to love you is important. The reality is a lot of folks haven’t seen good examples of love and it’s something that many men and women will have to learn to do.
3. That He Will Complement You

You need a man that will complement you. Keep in mind that complement is much different than compliment. A man telling you how beautiful you are or how nice your hair looks, is important but it’s not as important as him complementing you.
When a man complements you, he adds to your life in a way that enhances or improves you. This happens when you being uniquely you and him being uniquely him come together in such a way that grows and strengthens both of you.
Two are better than one, Because they have a good reward for their labor. 10 For if they fall, one will lift up his companion. But woe to him who is alone when he falls, For he has no one to help him up. Ecclesiastes 4:9-11
And the Lord God said, “It is not good that man should be alone; I will make him a helper comparable to him.” Genesis 2:18
When a husband and wife complement each other in their God given purpose, it’s amazing what God can do through them as a unit. They begin to grow together in their individual purposes and bring glory and honor to Him.
And what you should be asking God for is a man who complements you in your purpose, no his purpose does not have to be your purpose but his purpose should complement yours, so that two of you can successfully operate in your individual purposes bringing glory and honor to God.
4. That He Will Be Committed
Commitment is everything, especially when it comes to marriage. Which is why God desires that a husband and a wife stay committed to each other forever.
Therefore what God has joined together, let not man separate.” Mark 10:9
You need for your future husband to be committed to you in sickness and in health, and till death do you part. Commitment will be the backbone of your marriage so you need to pray that your future spouse will be committed to you and even more importantly to God.
5. He Will Be The Spiritual Leader of the Home
Girl let me tell you nothing is more attractive than a man who loves God and will lead you and your family to God. There will be times in your marriage when you will find yourself struggling and it is in those times that you will need a man who knows how to lift you up to the king of kings.
You should want a man who will pray over you and your family, a man who will seek the word of God for instruction. A man who will lead your family to throne of God. So right now you should be praying that God will transform your future husband into the spiritual leader that he needs to be.
Wives, submit to your own husbands, as to the Lord. For the husband is head of the wife, as also Christ is head of the church; and He is the Savior of the body. Therefore, just as the church is subject to Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in everything. Ephesians 5:22-24
As a wife, God wants you to submit to a man who is reflecting His character. That way submission becomes something beautiful because you are safely submitting to love.
6. That He Will Be A Provider
The next thing you want to pray is that he will be a provider and a hard worker. This is not about how much money he makes, but about his ability to go out and work hard to provide for his family.
Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with your might; Ecclesiastes 9:10
So no matter what his occupation is, you want to pray that he does it with excellence and with all of his might. That’s the biblical requirement.
7. That He Will Find You
As we are putting together this list of things to pray for regarding your future husband one important thing you should pray for is that he find you.
He who finds a wife finds a good thing, and obtains favor from the Lord. Proverbs 18:22
So you don’t need to be out there looking for a husband. That’s not your calling. Instead pray that God will help your future husband to find you.
What to do while you’re waiting on God’s answer?

No one likes waiting on God, at least I know I don’t. Yet waiting on God to answer our prayers is something that we have to do. So it’s important that you keep busy doing the right things doing your wait. But what do you do after you’ve prayed?
Prepare to be the Wife Your Future Husband Desires
It’s so easy to send God a list of things you desire in a man. Yet, you must take into consideration the type of woman the man you are desiring would want. Don’t expect the best if you aren’t willing to be the best.
So in your time of waiting work on being the best wife you can be. Work on developing the characteristics that God desires you to have. You can never go wrong working to become your best self.
Resolve in Your Heart to Be Content
You don’t know what God’s answer to your prayer will be or when He will answer. Yet you do know that it’s His desire for you to be content no matter what state you are in.
So work on being happy and content right now. Find the joy in the season that you are currently in. Live your life to the fullest and embrace the companionship that you have in Christ.
Taking Action and Moving Forward in Faith
What things are you going to pray for in your future husband? What things will you do to become the wife God wants you to be? Let me know in the comments section below.
Also, be sure to grab your free download of “10 prayers For My Future Husband.”
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