Are you a liar? You might not think you are but stay with me for a moment. I didn’t think I was a liar either until I began to recognize the lies I was telling. For many of us lies come in forms that easily slip under our radars. When we tell ourselves things like, “I’m not good enough, smart enough, or equipped enough we’ve fallen into the enemy’s
The devil is the father of lies and he spends all of his time trying to feed us his untruth. He insists on keeping us from our God given destinies by crippling us mentally. If he can get us to believe that we don’t have what it takes or that we aren’t enough his battle against us is won. When we listen to his lies and start to indulge in negative self talk telling ourselves the lies he has told we in fact become liars. Not intentional liars but liars none the less.
The truth is you are smart enough, you are good enough, and you can achieve many things that you currently might think aren’t possible. When you connect with God, the source of all power and then give 100% effort you can accomplish more than your mind ever dreamed. How do I know this? Well, because the truth says, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Philippians 4:13.
So, what will you believe, what will you tell yourself? Will you believe the lies or stand firm on the truth? Will you believe that you don’t have what it takes or will you believe that God has equipped you with everything you need to accomplish great things. I don’t know about you but I believe it’s time to stop it with the lies and jump on the bandwagon of truth!
Homework: Take some time and evaluate your thought processes. Identify any self-limiting lies you might be telling yourself. Now take those statements to the Lord in prayer. Ask Him to remove the lies from your mind and replace them with the truth. Believe me He will do it! Like the good book says, “the TRUTH will set you free!”
Share: What lies have you told yourself in the past and how did you overcome them? Please share your thoughts and insights regarding this post by commenting below. Also, if this post was helpful to you please share it with a friend! Until next time BE EXTRAORDINARY!