Many of us have mastered the business of worrying. Yet by definition worry is a terrible thing. It is to torment oneself with or suffer from disturbing thoughts. Worry and peace cannot coexist. Fortunately, there is a sure fire way to eliminate worry. If you desire to experience true peace in your life then you must get into the business of casting.
When I found out my son had cancer my natural inclination was to worry. However, God quickly reminded me that He is in control and desires that I cast all of my cares upon Him. So I made the decision to give Him my cares, concerns, and worries.
I knew that I would have to actively counteract the temptation of carrying my burdens and worrying. So, I decided to focus on who God is and how He has blessed me. This made casting much easier. It makes no sense to worry about what may or may not happen to my son. That is not in my control. Yet, it does make sense to rejoice in the fact that Brayden is alive and happy today. This is what God desires of me. He does not require me to carry the burden of worry.
As I navigate through this thing called life I’m learning to become a “caster.” I’ve also learned that there is no such thing as once a caster always a caster. This is something that must be worked on daily. It is a beautiful process that draws us closer to Christ.
Here are 5 principles I’ve come to rely upon to help me stay in the casting business.
- Because God Said So. 1 Peter 5:7 tells us to cast all of our cares upon God. I have yet to find a verse in the bible that commands us to worry. Yet, scripture repeatedly speaks against worrying and being anxious. As Christians we must truly learn to obey God in all things, including our thought processes.
- Worrying Gives Satan Power. God is not the author of worry. Therefore, when we choose to worry and not cast, we are giving the enemy a foot hold in our lives. Satan loves to see God’s children worrying and not casting. It is the perfect opportunity for him to fill our minds with doubt and despair. Therefore we must cast, cast, cast!
- It Doesn’t Make Sense to Worry. Nothing positive can come out of worrying. We can choose to worry and suffer mentally and even physically. Yet, worry is still not capable of changing our circumstances. It is a complete waste of our precious mental power.
- Peace will Result. When we become casters, we are allowing God to give us the peace he longs to bestow upon us. A peace that is not dependent upon the outcome of our situations. Imagine experiencing perfect peace when you encounter your next trial. This is what God promises once we learn to truly give Him our worries.
- You Will Be Equipped to Encourage Others. As with anything in life, once we have conquered something we are better equipped to encourage others to do the same. How wonderful would it be to have an army of casters! God’s children all over the world conquering the temptation of worry, making the weapons of the enemy of no effect!
Thought Question: Are you in the casting business? Have you experienced a time in your life where you chose to trust God and give him your worries in exchange for his peace? What strategies do you use to counteract worry? Please encourage others with your testimony and strategies by commenting below. Also, be sure to share this post and subscribe!