In today’s busy society it is not hard to feel overwhelmed. There are so many things to do with so little time. Whether it is work, family, relationships, chores, or even ministry, at times life can be a bit overwhelming. Fortunately, though our plates may be full, peace can still be obtained despite our many responsibilities.
Throughout my life I’ve learned to juggle many hats. Having the responsibilities of a wife, mother, homemaker, entrepreneur, and now caregiver can be overwhelming. Often there aren’t enough hours in the day to complete the tasks on my “to do” list. As a result there have been times when I wanted to scream, times when I’ve laid in my bed in a funk, and even more times when I’ve cried out to God in tears telling Him how frustrated and overwhelmed I truly am. Thankfully, overtime I’ve learned some tricks to help me cope.
- Talk to God. God cares about every aspect of our lives and has a solution for every problem. He knows exactly what changes need to be made to restore order and peace to our spirits. We can do all things through Him, which includes learning to handle seemingly overwhelming lives.
- Write it down. I personally feel more overwhelmed when I have a lot of things to do and don’t have a list to follow. I’ve found that writing tasks down help me to stay focused on
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what must be done throughout the day. In addition, I feel a sense of accomplishment when I’m able to cross tasks off of my “to do” list.
- Prioritize. With so many things to accomplish in one day it is imperative that we prioritize our tasks. Hi priority tasks must be completed first. Failure to prioritize can result in time wasted on less important things which could inevitably cause stress.
- Take small chunks. As they say, Rome wasn’t built in a day. Breaking tasks up into smaller pieces is a life saver. While I might not have time to deep clean my entire house in one day, I can decide to do a closet today and the cabinets tomorrow. Whatever the case may be. It’s less overwhelming to accomplish oversized tasks bit by bit than to attack the entire mountain all at once.
- Cut yourself some slack. You can’t do everything. Stop beating yourself up if you can’t complete every single task that you would like to. It’s okay. Life is too short to allow yourself to get stressed over anything. What you can’t complete today can wait until tomorrow.
- Learn to Delegate. Call in the troops and get some help. If you have tasks that can easily be delegated to someone else, freeing you to work on more important tasks, do it. Even if it may cost you a little bit of cash. Those will be dollars well spent.
- Eliminate the fluff. If your plate is overflowing it might be time to start eliminating things. If a task is not detrimental to your life and well being consider removing it. Your peace of mind is important so take an inventory of the things you must do and eliminate what’s unnecessary.
I hope that by applying these tips you will find a bit more peace in an often overwhelming world. I know I have.
What strategies have you used to combat being overwhelmed? Please share and remember to subscribe! Be blessed.