Perseverance is a critical aspect of one’s journey to success. By definition, it is to continue in a course of action even in the face of difficulty or with little or no prospect of success. The reason many fail to achieve success in life is because they fail to persevere. We have dreams, goals, and visions, yet often these fail to become a reality because deep down inside we possess an “I give up” mentality. A mentality that claims it desires success but it is not willing to do what it takes to achieve success. Yet those who choose to persevere accomplish far more in life than those who do not. These individuals possess what I have come to consider a “beaver mentality.”
Beavers build dams and they work very hard to do it. However, they often build these dams in places that are simply inconvenient for humans. As a result, the dams are removed. This puts a great big old monkey wrench in the beaver’s plans. Yet, unlike us, the beaver doesn’t gripe and complain, or make excuses as to why he must give up his dream, he simply perseveres.
What fascinates me about the beaver is that he will rebuild his torn down dam overnight. He wastes no time. There is no thought as to why he can or cannot continue to pursue his dam building dreams. He doesn’t allow logic to convince him that his efforts are futile or focus on his destroyed efforts. He simply rebuilds. As a matter of fact, he exhibits such perseverance that no matter how many times the dam is torn down he will rebuild it. He is relentless and the only thing that will stop his building is to physically remove him from the environment. Now that’s what I call perseverance.
So how about you, is there something you tried to achieve but for one reason or the other your dream was torn down? Did you give up? Did you allow a simple roadblock to turn your dream into an impossibility? If so, take on a beaver mentality and get back to work! Unlike the beaver nothing has the power to physically remove you from your dreams. Your dreams are yours so own them and get back to work.
There is an old adage that states, “The race is not given to the swift nor to the strong, but to the one who endures to the end.” Persevere my brothers and my sisters. Learn from the beaver and let no one and no thing stop you from working on your future. Press on and like the beaver you too will succeed.
Have you experienced a situation that seemed to make the pursuit of your goal an impossibility? What did you do to persevere? Please share your story in the comments section. Also share and subscribe to the blog!
As always, be blessed and remember that God has called you to live and extraordinary life!