Many of us desire to have well defined bodies complete with chiseled and toned muscles. Yet, in reality very few of us are willing to do what it takes to obtain such muscles. It takes quite a bit of work and the process is often painful. However, when compared with the rewards the pain is minuscule. The same applies to our spiritual lives. As Christians we desire to be spiritually fit, decked out in spiritual muscles that can withstand any test or fiery dart the enemy hurls our way. Yet, the development of these muscles also requires hard work and pain. It’s a process that none of us desire but all of us need.
Our physical muscles become bigger when they are tested by a heavy weight. This weight overloads the muscle to the extent that the muscle begins to tear. The muscle is not completely destroyed but it has suffered injury in the form of small tears. These tears will result in pain, a pain that often lingers for several days after the tear has occurred. Fortunately, the muscle will repair itself but only when it is resting. This process of tearing and healing results in a much larger and stronger muscle than before.
Great lessons can be learned from this as God uses a similar process to grow our spiritual muscles. We are often overburdened with the weights of this world. We face trials and adversities that are often so painful it feels as though they are ripping away the very essence of our spiritual muscles. When in reality they are just little tears that are preparing us for growth. God will never give us more than we can handle, therefore, no trial we face has the capability of completely tearing our spiritual muscles in half. They are simply little tears.
However, similar to our physical muscles, though the tears are small the resultant pain is often big. Thankfully, we serve a God who never wastes our pain. Every discouragement, disappointment, hurt, or loss we experience He has allowed to grow us. Yet, we must keep in mind that this growth will only occur if we let Him work it out in our lives. This is in fact the key to building spiritual muscles. When we face adverse times we must learn to rest in Jesus. It is in resting that restoration comes. When we are resting He is mending every single tear that has occurred in our spiritual muscles. Not only is his He repairing but He is also strengthening and making our spiritual muscles stronger than they ever were before. If we fail to rest and trust in Jesus through our trials we will continue to have weak and feeble spiritual muscles.
Test and trials are God’s methods for spiritual growth. We can’t resist His ways we must embrace them. I for one want big muscles. I may never have the chiseled body of Serena Williams but I can’t afford not to be spiritually chiseled like Job or any of the other bible greats. How about you?
Like myself, I’m sure many of you have experienced spiritual growth from your trials. Please, testify and share your experience by commenting below. As believers in Christ we must encourage each other. Be blessed, get you some muscles, and live an extraordinary life through Jesus Christ!