One of the biggest okie dokes the devil can do on you is cause you to feel like you are in competition with someone else when it comes to your purpose. But how can that be if you are running in your own God given purpose filled lane? The truth is no one can compete with you in your purpose, no one can out do you in your purpose, and no one can take your purpose from you, as long as you stay in your lane.
The Bible tells the story of an individual who had a God given purpose to fulfill, but because he couldn’t stay in his lane, his purpose was taken from him and his life ended up in tragedy. Now the person I’m talking about is none other than king Saul.
King Saul’s Mistake
Saul was chosen by God to be Israel’s very first king. He had a high calling on his life and a specific lane that God wanted him to stay in. Yet, not long after Saul had become king, he made the dreadful mistake of stepping outside of his lane. As king, Saul knew that before going into a battle, Samuel the priest was to offer burnt offerings and peace offerings unto God on behalf of the people. However, on this particular occasion Samuel was slightly delayed and Saul found himself growing impatient. So instead of staying in his lane as king, he decided to enter the lane of priest and offered up the offerings himself. This was a huge mistake. (See 1 Samuel 13:8-14)
Yet sadly, this wasn’t his only mistake. In another instance, Saul was given explicit instructions by God to utterly destroy a wicked nation by killing everybody. Saul was to leave no one alive. But yet again, Saul stepped out of his lane and attempted to fulfill a role that did not belong to him by deciding it was best to spare the life of King Agag instead of killing everybody as he was instructed. (See 1 Samuel 15) By doing this Saul stepped into a role that belonged to God and God alone because it was God’s role to make the decisions and it was Saul’s role to execute on those decisions. Not the other way around.
Saul’s Purpose Forfeited
As you can see, Saul had a serious problem with staying in his lane. And because he had problem with staying in his lane, God could no longer trust him to fulfill his purpose. So, as a result God had no other choice but to allow Saul’s purpose to be taken by another, one who was more worthy than Saul and one who would stay in his lane. Which is why God anointed a young shepherd boy named David to be the next King of Israel.
Now I share all this with you to let you know that God will protect you in your purpose and excel you in your purpose as long as you stay in your lane. Never make the mistake of trying to fulfill a role that is not yours to fill. That puts you in dangerous territory. Also remember, that no one can compete with your purpose or threaten your purpose when you are in your lane. Even if they try their efforts will be fruitless. So let me know what you think about all of this by leaving a comment below. Also be sure to share this post with a friend and subscribe to my newsletter. Until next time continue to live the extraordinary life through Christ.
Your posts are always right on time for me. Thank you for this!
Praise God Gianna! Also, want to let you know that you are an awesome photographer! I love all your shots.
Thank you very much, woman of God
You’re welcome Bryan. God bless.