Journaling is something that I’ve done for the majority of my life. As a child I kept a diary, documenting my latest crush, the “unfairness” of my parents, or latest drama at school. When I need a little comic relief I’ll pull out those old journals and just laugh at things that were oh so important to me as a youth. Now that I’m a grown woman facing the ups and downs of life my journaling is much more meaningful. It’s much more than a historical document of my thoughts over the years; it’s become a very valuable tool in the enhancement of my spiritual walk.
To turn your journal into a tool for spiritual growth you must include spiritual things. What are you wrestling with God with, what has He done for you, what do you need from Him? Identify those things and include them along with little snippets of your everyday life.
You should also include your prayers. The times when I’ve really needed God to move in my life, I have included entire prayers in my journal. I would sit at my computer pouring out my heart to God through my keyboard. It feels good to get it all out and even better to look back and see how God has answered.
Below I have listed five benefits I believe an individual will receive from keeping a spiritual journal:
- Track your spiritual growth. It’s important to know that we are growing in Christ. It is very possible to find yourself struggling with a particular issue for a lifetime. Yet, you never realized it. By journaling you are providing yourself a record that you can physically review and track your progress. No Christian should be satisfied being spiritually stagnant. It’s all about growth.
- Learn from past mistakes. Spiritual growth is also enhanced by learning from our past mistakes. When something goes wrong in your life and you are responsible for it, journal it. Not only journal it but reflect upon what it is you can do better next time and journal that. As time passes by and you review that journal entry you will be strengthened not to make the same mistake again.
- Never forget God’s blessings. When God blesses you, journal it. We can never go wrong reflecting upon the blessings of the Lord. As a matter of fact, when you are facing trials it is critical that you reflect upon His blessings. This helps to refocus your mind upon God and His goodness. This is what God desires.
- Remember how God has worked in your life. When God works in your life, document it. This will be so helpful when you need Him to work in a different situation. It gives you the confidence to trust that the same God who worked in your life in the past can and will work in your life again.
- Learn about yourself. Just as we read biographies of others we should learn a little more about ourselves. When I review my journals I notice patterns which cause me to realize certain things about me. Things that I’m sensitive about, things I worry about, or cycles I find myself going through over and over again. With this knowledge I am better able to identify things that I must seek the Lord to change in my character.
Journaling has been extremely beneficial to me and I pray it will do the same for you. I would love to hear your thoughts on this topic, so please leave a comment below. Be encouraged as we each strive to live extraordinary lives through Christ! Be blessed! Subscribe and share.