Have you invested weeks, months, or even years into your dreams but have yet to reap the benefits? Maybe in frustration you find yourself saying “what’s the use?” I mean really. What is the point of working so hard and never getting that promotion? Or, sacrificing all for your children and they remain wayward? Or better yet, what about investing blood sweat and tears into your passion and you never seem to hit that sweet spot? Can you relate? If so don’t throw in the towel just yet. I have a feeling something amazing is about to come forth in your near future.
Reaping the benefits of hard work often can take years but the rewards are well worth the wait. This is a lesson that is illustrated perfectly through the growth cycle of the Chinese Bamboo Tree.
As with most plants it starts off as a simple little seed that is planted into fertile soil and watered. However, unlike most plants growth is not seen for an unusually long period of time. Weeks turn into months and months turn into years and still no visible growth. Until finally around year four or five the amazing happens. The Chinese Bamboo Tree begins to grow at exponential rates. Growth can be seen right before your eyes as the tree shoots up an awesome 2 feet tall in just one day. This astounding growth continues for approximately six weeks as the plant shoots for the sky. It is said that they can reach up to 90 feet tall in this short period of time. Yet, this amazing phenomenon could never have occurred without the wait.
Could this be what happens in our lives? Could it be that during the times we are working so hard and investing so much time and effort into our goals that we are actually laying the foundation for exponential growth? I believe so and I also believe there are principles we can implement into our lives from the Chinese Bamboo Tree that can help us with this process. They are as follows:
- Plant the seed. In other words take action. The seeds of success aren’t going to plant themselves. It doesn’t work like that. Success is the result of intentionality. It is up to you and only you to get the ball rolling. Therefore, be intentional and start planting your seeds today.
- Provide the optimal environment for growth. As with any seed growth will not occur without proper nutrition. Thus, it is critical that you work tirelessly to provide the proper nutrients for the development of your dreams. Commit to nurturing your seed by developing and educating yourself, surrounding yourself by individuals who can help you reach your goals, and investing the time necessary for growth.
- Don’t get discouraged with the wait. Good things come to those who wait. This is especially true when it comes to success. Waiting can be difficult and often discouraging. Yet, you must never stop pressing forward because you aren’t seeing the fruits of your labors. Too often discouragement causes us to quit when we are on the verge of our proverbial fourth year. Keep pushing!
- Be prepared for amazing growth. Zig Ziglar often said, “Success occurs when opportunity meets preparation.” When you are diligently pressing forward exponential growth and opportunities are guaranteed to come so be prepared.
- Continue planting the seeds of success. Like the seed of the Chinese Bamboo Tree, the seeds you plant can also reach great heights. The sky is the limit. Success is yours! However, don’t stop there. Your life should be one that is marked by continuous success, so keep it going. Continue to plant one seed after another and never stop.
DISCUSSION QUESTIONS: Are you wrestling with the wait? Have you experienced the beauty that follows an extensive wait? If so we need to hear from you. Share your experience below as we seek to encourage others to be extraordinary even in the wait.
P.S. If you’ve found this post helpful and you know someone who can be blessed by this blog please share it. Be blessed and remember YOU were created to live an EXTRAORDINARY life so start living it!