Has something tragic or unfortunate happened in your life that literally shattered all of your hopes and dreams? Have your circumstances caused you to believe that your desires were no longer a possibility? Well if any of this resonates with you, keep reading because you may be surprised to discover that your dreams are still possible.
Andrew Montgomery was known as a triple threat. He could dance, act and defy gravity, and based upon his talents he knew exactly what he wanted to do. It was His dream to perform in Le Reve, one of the most physically demanding shows in the world. So he worked hard and tried out for the part.
Several days after the audition he received a call informing him that he had been chosen. But, there was only one problem. Just four days after the audition Andrew was in a motorcycle accident which resulted in the loss of one of his legs. Now if you know anything about acrobatics it tends to require that you have all of your limbs. So now Andrew has found himself at the end of the road to his dreams. Everything he worked so hard for was taken from him in a matter of seconds and his dreams were now shattered. Or were they?
You see Andrew must of understood that it is your mindset that determines your possibilities not your circumstances. Because somehow he was able to put the pieces of his dream back together again. The picture may not have been perfect but it definitely resembled the picture he had always dreamed of. So with this new picture in his mind, Andrew was able to convince the hiring team from Le Reve to give him some time to learn to perform just as good with a prosthesis. And that’s exactly what he did.
I’m sharing this with you because I don’t want you to believe the enemy when he tells you that you can’t based upon your circumstances. Like Andrew, God has placed within you the will to accomplish any thing and everything in life even if the very tools you think you need are suddenly taken away from you. Because it’s not about the tools as much as it is about the mindset. So go ahead and grab the glue of the proper mindset and starting putting back together the picture of your shattered dream. God bless.
So what do you think about this? Have you experienced shattered dreams? Do you believe God can help you put them back together again? Let us know by leaving a comment below and be sure to share and subscribe!
Hi Samonna,
I can most certainly relate to your topic today. In March 2016, I took a step of faith and resigned from a mid-management position in the private sector, in the hopes of migrating to Canada. I had felt the call of ministry on my life and saw the opportunity as one which would allow me to fulfil this calling. Suffice it to say, I am yet to realize this dream of migration. Neither have I been able to resume employment, despite having submitted close to 100 applications and attending a total of 9 interviews(7 in person and 2 online) from the period of February 2017 to date. I recognize that this experience has been nothing more than the Lord permitting the fires of affliction to assail me, to remove the dross and refine my character so that it could resemble His. You see although my intentions to pursue ministry were noble, I recognized that I was nowhere close to being ready spiritually. Samonna, I was a lukewarm, Laodicean self righteous Christian. All I possessed was a mere profession of faith, with no fruit of godliness to show. While I believed myself to be rich and increased with goods and in need of nothing, through the conviction of the Holy Spirit, I was able to see the true nature of my spiritual condition. The reality is I was really poor, naked, miserable, blind and naked.
I lived a comfortable life, had a nice job, apartment, vehicle, nice clothes and shoes. In the process I lost practically all of these and left with accumulating loan and credit card debt, owing to the loss of income. At the age of 35, I was forced to relocate to my mom’s home, after having lived away for over 17 years. My life was completed disrupted, as was the life of my 8 year old, who had to now attend public school as I could no longer afford Adventist education. Everything I have tried has failed thus far; my attempts to go to Canada, to attend school there or in the US, or to secure employment here in Saint Lucia. Though I agree with your message to a certain extent, I do not agree that the accomplishment of our goals and dreams is primarily based on our mindsets. I believe this has more to do with the will of God than anything else. I have recently discovered subsequent to my 5th, 6th and 7th interviews that I am being discriminated against because of my failure to dishonor the Lord’s Sabbath. Despite being the most experienced and academically qualified than at any other time in my professional life, I am being denied employment because I will not work on Saturday. Needless to say, I have done all I can to change this situation, to no avail. I have encountered conflict with every single member of my family(parents and 4 siblings) and experienced persecution from them regarding my unwillingness to dishonor my Lord. My father who provides for the home financially, has issued me with an ultimatum; either I accept a job to work on Saturdays, or else. My next option is migration to Jamaica after my son completes his final term in the school year, to pursue employment opportunities there, although I recently discovered that discrimination regarding employment against persons of our faith, is also coming to the fore. Not like I would be able to afford the airfare to move either. Nevertheless, I will continue to trust in the Lord to see me through. He has supplied all of my needs during my period of unemployment and I know He will continue to. I firmly believe that this trial was orchestrated for my salvation and so that I will be able to stand in the final conflict when the Mark of the Beast is enforced. I am praying earnestly for that faith that will be able to endure weariness, hunger and delay; that faith that will not faint though it is severely tried. This is the faith that Sister White says we will require in these last days. God Bless.
Surita you are absolutely right. God’s will trumps everything! I wanted something badly or so I thought I did and no matter what I did or how hard I tried the door was closed and I realized that was God’s will. However there are times when things happen in life that cause us to want to throw in the towel but God wants to stretch us. He wants us to look past what appears to be limiting us and push forward. Your testimony (because that’s what it is) is going to turn out amazing. Right now you seem to be in the pit of your journey, but it sounds like your mindset is right and prayerfully this season will soon end. Please keep me posted as your story progresses. God is working out something amazing behind the scenes for you! You are in my prayers.