This morning when I looked in the mirror at my body I smiled. Not because I’m toned in all the right places, have washboard abs, or posses the body of a super model. That isn’t quite my reality. However, my heart smiled and my face followed suit as I looked upon a part of me that many would consider unflattering. I reason for my smile were the faint stretch marks on my stomach. Now I admit at first glance it’s hard for one to consider stretch marks beautiful, but their beauty lies in what they represent, the creation of life. So for a few short moments I smiled as I reflected upon the children God had blessed me with, especially the one that is no longer here.
Giving birth to children is an amazing thing. Yet so many women feel ashamed of the transformation that occurs in their bodies as a result of the gift of life. Extra pounds, extra skin, pudgy little stomachs and stretch marks often adorn the bodies of mothers. Today’s culture has the tendency to cause mother’s to be ashamed of their new bodies due to media outlets that saturate our minds with unrealistic standards (often photoshopped) as to how a woman’s body should look after giving birth.
The sacrifice and transformation that we undergo to bring children into this world should be celebrated and not shunned. Slightly different bodies and scars are nothing to be ashamed of. As a matter of fact our salvation relies upon a body that was transformed and scarred. Let me explain. When our precious Savior, decided to come to this earth and sacrifice His life for sinful man His body was transformed. The word of God tells us the following about Christ, “But (he) made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men: And being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross.” Philippians 2:7-8. Christ was transformed into flesh and blood so that we might have life. The sacrifice that He made for us resulted in Him taking on a new form and receiving scars that I believe will be in His hands for eternity as a reminder of His love for us.
Who would dare frown up the scars Jesus bares? Those precious scars are a result of the eternal life He secured for all who would accept Him. His life bearing scars are beautiful and so are yours.
For every woman out there who is struggling with pregnancy scars, it’s time to adjust your lenses. Stop looking at them with disdain. Instead look at them for what they are, life bearing scars of love. Now, to the brothers out there who are blessed to have children as a result of these scars, affirm your woman today. Thank her for her sacrifice and help her see the beauty in her scars.
What are your thoughts? Have you learned to see the beauty in your scars? If so encourage someone else and share below.
Food for thought, very inspiring.
God bless you samonna as you continue to be a blessing to others.
I have those adorable life bearing scares of love toooo!!! SaMonna I definitely appreciate your perspective and would not miss the opportunity to tell all women out there as we appreciate the scares God has bore for us mere human beings let us wear with pride the scars as a result of being chosen a vessel of love by this same God.