In this life we are destined to receive bad or discouraging news at some point in time. This type of news doesn’t feel good and can easily cause all sorts of negative emotions to rise up in us. Yet, when we face these types of situations we must remember that although it is not in our power to change what has happened it is in our power to positively change our outcomes.
For example, last week I received some not so great news. I discovered that this pregnancy I have gestational diabetes. What a bummer! It’s not the worst news in the world but it was bad enough to really irritate me. My current pregnancy hasn’t been the easiest of pregnancies and then to add on the burden of diabetes was pretty discouraging for me. Not to mention the fact that I LOVE potatoes, fried, scalloped, mashed, or french fried, you name it I love it.
Yet in the midst of my disgruntled moments I remembered that life is all about our attitudes and the choices we make. The fact that I had gestational diabetes and would therefore spend the rest of my pregnancy visiting my doctors every single week and sometimes twice a week wasn’t changing. I had no control over that. However, what I could change was my attitude, the associated risk for my baby, as well as my risk for developing diabetes in the future. These things were in my control.
Needles to say I changed my attitude. No more complaining for me. I identified and aggressively began to implement what I needed to do to preserve my future health and more importantly the health of my baby. It was just that simple, the choice was mine. I could either sit around complaining having my woe is me moments or I could choose to make the best of my situation by proactively doing something about it.
Doing Something
Sometimes the best thing we can do for ourselves is to actually do something. The enemy finds pleasure in our inactivity. He works hard to quench our spirit to fight. This is why it is so important that we choose to do something.
When we face tough situations God is giving us opportunities to build our characters. However, our characters will never grow if we choose to grumble and complain about every difficulty that comes our way. When we choose to find the silver lining in our situations and proactively carve out a positive way to move forward our characters are being strengthened. This is all a part of God’s plan.
Life is all about choices. We can choose to be miserable or we can choose to make the best of any and every situation that comes our way. However, for the extraordinary individual seeking to live their best life there is no option, doing something about it is our only choice. So the next time you are facing a difficult situation, I challenge you to do something about it.
Homework: The next time you face a difficult situation pull out a piece of paper and write out the various responses you could have. Literally, right down every single option you can think of good and bad. Then determine which options are pros and which are cons. This will help you intelligently determine how you should respond to the situation and how you can do something about it.
Share: What are your thoughts on this post? Also, what has been your experience with doing something about it versus complaining? Please share your insights by commenting below. Also, if this post was helpful to you please share it with a friend! Until next time BE EXTRAORDINARY!
Interesting post, sorry about the news you received. It is not the end of the road. It is true that we need to stop complaining and take steps towards making positive changes in our lives. I really have been trying to do this as complaining gets us no where.
You are so right Felecia, it’s not the end of the road, just a little speed bump I guess.
Love it!! very practical. Prayer has always centred me, especially when I read in Philippians 2:14 ‘ Do all things without complaining and disputing’. Confessing to God my wrong doing…..i.e. complaining … as complaining is also in a way my indication of doubting that God cannot move into the situation or help. Once this is confessed and acknowledged to God, I seek His guidance on how to tackle the situation, just as you said make that choice and as usual the Lord provides a way, turning things around!
Thanks for that verse. It is perfect for what we are talking about.
I liked the comments you made. When a negative situation comes your way turn it around and say if this didnt happen what would i be doing. Complaining only makes the matter worse. Why waste energy on complaining when you can use that same energy to make a change. God bless youSaMonna and have a healthy baby.
Thanks MaryAnn!
This is so true and a philosophy I’ve started to work at more and more. I would always complain how I’m tired or don’t like certain things but I realized that when I exercise I feel much better and have the energy to complete the tasks I have planned and it’s a great example for my children. I also realize that’s it’s not a choice for me anymore, because I’m getting older, and especially because I work night shift. There is also the increased risk of developing certain diseases and a shorter life span.
Thanks for the encouraging words, you’re such a blessing!
‘ACT’ I certainly will keep that in my memory bank! I love acronyms!
Georgia, we are getting older!!! Like you said for that reason alone we’ve got to be proactive about our health.