While studying the book of Ezekiel I stumbled across an issue that many of us struggle with and that God really doesn’t like. An issue that will keep us from reaching our full potential and earn us the label of fool. That’s right I said it, well I didn’t really say it, God said it. So my question for you today is are you a fool?
In the book of Ezekiel we find God having a conversation with Ezekiel, and in this conversation I can just imagine God sitting their shaking his head as He says, “Ezekiel the people are talking about you. Talking about the wonderful messages you receive from Me to deliver to them. They are so excited they are gathering together a crowd to sit before you and listen. But Ezekiel, before you get excited, here is the thing, they are gonna listen to you, they are gonna nod their heads, and they are going to shout amen, but they aren’t gonna do one thing you say because they are hearers but not doers. (See Ezekiel 33:30-32)
As I meditated on this passage I thought to myself, “How dumb is that!” The people would happily sit before the feet of the prophet and gather others to listen, but wouldn’t follow the counsel he gave them. That doesn’t make sense. However, as I contemplated what was going on, I soon realized that the folks in this passage suffered from an issue that many of us are suffering from today, and that is being hearers but not doers.
Now this is nothing we can take lightly because this issue will prevent us from being successful and accomplishing the things God wants us to accomplish. The truth is many of us don’t have an issue with hearing or receiving knowledge, but instead we have an issue with doing, or acting upon the knowledge that we have received. In essence we fail to take action and this can be nothing short of foolish.
In Mathew 24 Jesus says, “Therefore whoever hears these sayings of Mine, and does them, I will liken him to a wise man…. But everyone who hears these sayings of Mine, and does not do them, will be like a foolish man…” In other words Jesus is saying when you receive knowledge and you act upon it you are wise but if you don’t your foolish. Plain and simple.
So here is how foolish behavior looks in everyday life. You receive knowledge on how to better your marriage but don’t implement what you learned. Foolish. You go to a training on your job but don’t apply the concepts taught. Foolish. You get advice from someone who has been where you are trying to go but you don’t act on that advice. Foolish. You have a clear understanding of what it takes to be fit and healthy but you do nothing. Foolish. Finally, you read God’s word but make none of the changes He requires. Foolish.
The reality is, our foolish behavior hurts God. He does not want us to be fools. He wants us to be wise people who are continually becoming better in each and every area of our lives. Yet that can’t happen if we are just sitting on knowledge, being hearers and not doers. So, I’d like for you to take the time to consider any knowledge that you currently posses that you may not have implemented as of yet. Then, determine what actions you can take to act upon that knowledge. Be encouraged and remember today is your day to be not just a hearer but also a doer!