Inaction is one of the biggest killers of success. It prevents us from reaching our full potential and making a positive impact upon our world. Inaction has the ability to cause us to miss out on magnificent things that were destined to occur in our lives if we had taken even the smallest of actions. With this being the case, why is it that so many of us fail to act?
Could it be that we are subconsciously over taken by inaction because we don’t understand what fuels it? I’ve discovered that doubt and over thinking lead to the paralysis of inaction. Once this is recognized we have a better chance of overcoming this issue.
Doubt – Many of us are filled with doubt. Yet, if we really took the time to recognize the source of doubt, our thinking might change. The enemy is the author of doubt. It is his purpose to keep us stagnant. He has no desire to see us fulfill our dreams or change the world with our ideas. Therefore he fills us with doubt. When doubt creeps into our spirits telling us that we can’t, rebuke it! The word says we can do ALL things through Christ and when we are
in His will we become unstoppable. Unfortunately this can never happen if we never start.
Over thinking – Over thinking things also leads to inaction. An idea can never become greater than just an idea until it is acted upon. A dream will never become fulfilled until proper steps toward fulfillment are taken. We can rationalize ourselves out of action, coming up with all types of excuses as to why taking immediate action is not appropriate. However if we fail to take even the smallest step we will never make progress. Martin Luther King, Jr. stated, “Take the first step in faith. You don’t have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step.”
When I looked into starting my own business, Hekalu Naturals, there were many reasons as to why I shouldn’t have taken immediate action.
Doubt and over thinking told me I didn’t have the money or the training necessary to pull it off. Fortunately, I didn’t succumb to doubt and I refused to allow over thinking to hinder me. Thus, I decided to take action. I went to the library and started to do research. This was my first and most important step. With each step that I took my idea began to transform into an even greater reality.
So, as you contemplate what it is you need to take action upon, don’t delay. Now is your time to make a difference in your life, a difference in the lives of others, or a difference in the world at large. Don’t hesitate. Take your first step today because now is your time!