Since our son Brayden took his rest earlier this year we have been blessed with words of comfort. Many have assured us that Brayden is in a better place, that Brayden is in heaven looking down on us, and that Brayden is an angel with God. These words of comfort come from hearts filled with love for us and for our precious Brayden, but where is Brayden?
Like any mother who has lost a child I am very concerned about what happens or happened to Brayden now that he has died. I take comfort in knowing that the God of the universe cares so much about me that He would never leave me in the dark concerning this topic. So, based upon what He has shown me in His word, here is where I believe Brayden is and where I believe he will be.
Brayden is dead. He has taken his rest in Jesus. His body has returned to the dust that it was made of and the breath of life or spirit that made this pile of dust a living soul has returned to God. Brayden is no more. He is resting and waiting for His Savior. “Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was; and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it.” Ecclesiastes 12:7. The bible also indicates that King David did not go to heaven after he died. See Acts 2:34.
This is good news. He is not suffering; he is not in mental or physical torment. It is as though he is asleep, he knows nothing. “For the living know that they shall die: but the dead know not any thing, neither have they any more a reward; for the memory of them is forgotten. Also their love, and their hatred, and their envy, is now perished; neither have they any more a portion for ever in any thing that is done under the sun.” “There is no work, nor device, nor knowledge, nor wisdom, in the grave, whither thou goest.” Ecclesiastes 9:5, 6, and 10.
Praise God it doesn’t end there. God has something special for Brayden and that something special is life with Him in eternity forevermore. You see, one day not too long from now Jesus is going to return and it is during this grand event that He will restore life unto Brayden. “For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.” I Thessalonians 4:16, 17.
This is how I see it; God likes to do things big. He wouldn’t have been satisfied with all of His saints coming to heaven one by one throughout the course of history (although some are with Him now such as Moses, Elijah, Enoch, etc). Nor does He desire our loved ones to enter heaven before us, looking down on us as we suffer through this thing called life. God is so smart! He desires a great and grand event that will close this earth’s history. When He returns to take His children home He is coming to get all of us at once. Can you imagine how glorious it will be to see God’s people from the beginning of creation coming out of their graves in the fullness of His glory? Can you imagine how our shouts of praise will ring throughout the heavens? What a day of celebration that will be when the entire universe will rejoice in victory! It is on this day that I believe my son Brayden, will be restored to life and together he and I will see Jesus face to face. Hallelujah!! Thank you Jesus!! Can’t wait!!
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Thank you SaMonna for sharing what God shared with you.
Blessings to you always.
Love ya
Corky Alexander
oh SaMonna! Praise be to God for your eloquent writing! So beautifully and simply written! May God continue to bless you as He blesses each of us through your inspiration to others! I pray daily for your continued strength. Loved you in grade school. Love you now. Love until Heaven we join as sisters!
Hayli, yes, yes, yes!!! Love you too girl!
I too wait for that great reunion to meet my loved ones including my son Jasenn.
I do not know you, but I know people who you know, which allowed me to read your updates on Brayden’s progress on FaceBook. I cried when Brayden left us and my soul was disturbed. But it caused me to seek God on a deeper level. Your faith and courage is inspirational. May God continue to bless and keep you and your family. I look forward to meeting you and Brayden on resurrection morning!!
Marsheila we look forward to meeting you too! It’s going to be a great day!
I felt the same way
Praise God for your words, SaMonna!
Such a blessing and an encouragement that God has placed in His word reminding us not to weep or worry as those who have no hope. We will see our loved ones again! Praise God!
beautifully said! i can’t wait to see young brayden rejoicing on that day!
I don’t know you, but I empathize with you. My son died 16 yrs. ago at such a young age, so I understand why your comments about death had to be addressed biblically. So many kind hearted people who mean well can make death harder than it already is. I will pray for you and your family, and let us look forward to that great day when Jesus will burst the clouds and we will be reunited with our love ones forever.
Your sister in Christ
Thank you Angela. Your prayers are much appreciated.
Samonna, I also have a son who I am waiting to be reunited with. I lost him when I was 26 weeks pregnant and I lost another child at six weeks. But I have to tell you that the journey with you and your family has been such an inspiration to me. Yo continue to amaze me. I’m sorry that you had to lose a son to make your story so real to me (and countless others). I love how you explained the state of the dead. I praise the Lord for you and your willingness to be so transparent.
So many have lost children it’s so sad, but what a reunion that great day is going to be!!! Mercy!
Hallelujah !!!! GLORY BE TO GOD. Stand firm in the Lord for He is clear, and I can’t wait for the day, when we meet in the air!
God chose your family to remind us of who He is. Brayden’s mission was to assist God in saving the lost. Brayden touched so many lives and will save just as many. Through you, I’ve learned how to be more faithful and how to live everyday with purpose. I look forward to seeing you all on that great day. May God continue to comfort you and be with you until then. Love you SaMonna!
God be praised!
Help us all to be faithful so we can meet with Brayden in heaven!!!
Imagine what fun our little ones will have – growing up together in HEAVEN someday soon!!! We too lost our son when he was very young – nearly 5 months old. The pain of losing a child seems almost unbearable, but with God’s promise of eternal life, we know that this is just a short time of loss compared to the eternity we will spend with Him! Praise God for providing a heavenly home for all of His children!!!
So blessed by these words of encouragement . God bless you always
SaMonna, what a testimony to the greatness of our GOD! The Lord has given you a heaven bound heart to annouce to the world that he loves us and has prepared an eternal home for us to live with him forever!!! Press on my faithful daughter in CHRIST JESUS!!!
Thank you mommy! (Yes folks I still call her mommy, LOL)
My baby died this pass June and although this made me cry and my heart broke all over again, this is very reassuring. I miss my little Deron so much, it hurts me everyday. I can’t wait to see him again
Both of us will rejoice with our babies when this thing is all over! You are in my prayers.
Samonna, sharing your knowledge of where Brayden rests now is such a lovely way to share the truth of God’s word. May God continue to keep us until the moment of that great reunion – where you will receive your beautiful son back into your arms and I look forward to seeing my sister and father restored and renewed. God bless you.
Thank you Sibyl.
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Keep on doing his will. I am inspired.