Do you want to be successful? Most people do and so do I. But how does someone become successful? What’s the secret, the trick, or the formula? Well, look no further because I’ve found the formula plainly illustrated in the word of God.
Now the interesting thing about this formula is that it only works to achieve true success and if you read my last post you will know that true success is the accomplishment of an aim or goal that is line with the will of God. This includes all types of success, the success of your finances, business, relationships, and so on. Also, the formula will work for anybody who applies it to their lives. But before I share the formula with you I’d like to share an amazing example of how the formula is used.
In the book of Joshua chapter ten, we find Joshua, the leader of the Israelites preparing to go to war against not one, not two, but five different kings! Of course Joshua wants to be successful in this endeavor so he talks to God about it and God assures him that He will be victorious. So Joshua gathers his army together and they march all night and surprise attack their enemies in the morning. Now while they are fighting something amazing and supernatural happens. Humongous hail stones start falling from the sky killing the enemy soldiers. These hailstones were so brutal that more men were killed by them than were killed by the sword (Joshua 10:11).
Then as the sun began to set, Joshua realized that if he was going to completely annihilate these kings and their armies he was going to need more time. So he does something unheard of. After having a conversation with God he tells the sun to stand still. And guess what! God for the benefit of Joshua and his success, held the sun in it’s place. The Bible says the sun did not move for an entire day, providing Joshua the time he needed to completely destroy his enemies. Wow!! What an amazing story and awesome illustration of success, true success.
So here is the formula:
Extraordinary Human Effort + Supernatural Divine Power = Success
A pretty simple formula that Joshua understood well. He understood that to be successful he was going to have to give all of his effort, which is why he was able to march all night, then fight all day, and then fight a whole other day after God caused the sun to stand still. That had to be exhausting and nothing short of extraordinary effort. Furthermore, Joshua wasn’t trying to obtain success on his own, he understood that he needed supernatural intervention. Which is why he tapped into the divine power source and as a result God sent the hailstones and caused the sun to stand still.
Human effort alone will never result in true success. Yet, so many people try to achieve success without Him which can only result in a cheap counterfeit of the real thing. In John 15:5 God tells us that we can do nothing without him and that includes achieving success. So, are you ready for God to do some supernatural things in your life? Are you ready to be a success? If so commit to following the formula.