There are a lot of successful people in the world and there are a whole lot of unsuccessful people in the world. Which one are you? Now whether you consider yourself successful or not, the truth is that God created you to be successful. He is the epitome of success and you are His handiwork. Therefore, it is your duty to do whatever it takes to make sure that you are a success.
Success Defined
But what is success and what does it mean to be successful? Well, success has been defined as, (1) the accomplishment of an aim or purpose, (2) the attainment of popularity or profit, and (3) a person or thing that achieves desired aims or attains prosperity.
So, based upon these definitions success consist of one or more of these components, accomplishing a goal, being popular, and or having a lot of money. Yet for some reason I just don’t believe that this is exactly the way in which God views success. Something in the definition needs to be altered.
God’s View of Success
In Mark 8:36 the Bible says, “For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?” In this passage God is letting us know that it is possible to accomplish your goals, be popular, have a whole lot money, and lose your soul. I don’t know about you but missing out on the kingdom doesn’t really seem like success. As a matter of fact it seems much more like failure.
Furthermore, when you look to the word of God you will find something interesting. Abraham was rich and he was a success. While John the Baptist, a simple man who wore simple clothes, ate simple food, and lived in a simple dwelling in the desert, was not so rich. Yet he too was a success. Then you have David, Mr. popularity himself, who had women running down the street singing, “Saul has killed his thousands but David his ten thousands,” was loved by many and he was a success. Yet Jeremiah the prophet who was far from popular and hated by many was also a success.
Despite all of these differences, all of these successful men have one thing in common, they accomplished the aim and purpose that God had placed before them. This is the key! Success is not based upon whether you are rich or poor, popular or unpopular, or whether you have the ability to accomplish goals. TRUE success is obtained when you accomplish goals and purposes that are in line with God’s will. That is it. Now that type of success may lead you to riches or it may not, it may cause you to be popular or it may not. But one thing that you can count on is that TRUE success will always lead you to the Kingdom.
So what are you waiting for? Be the success God created you to be!
Thank you Sis! I needed that. Jah Bless.