How To Get Better With Time

Guess what! Right now as you read this post you are getting older.  With every hour, minute, and second that goes by you are aging.  It’s just the way of life and it is something that is out of your control.  So the question is, how are you aging? Are you aging like fine wine, which means you are getting better with time?  Or,  are you just simply aging and not getting one step closer to better?

The Challenge With Getting Better

Aging is easy because it requires no effort, it just happens.  But getting better with age takes a little bit of work and requires intentionality.  What you must remember is that as children the majority of us were enrolled in school.  Some may have started from pre-k and  have gone all the way on to college.  And through this educational process we are constantly learning.  But when school is over and we’ve completed our academic journey’s should our growth and development end?  No, because our ability and our desire to learn should not be dependent upon our enrollment in school.  We must learn to be students inside and outside of the class room. 

Each and every day of our lives we must wake up knowing that today is another opportunity to get up and and learn something new. In Proverbs 18:15 we are told that “The heart of the prudent acquires knowledge, And the ear of the wise seeks knowledge.”  What this verse is basically saying is that the wise person is always learning and looking for new opportunities to learn. Therefore we should be consistently trying to improve in the area of personal development which includes, our relationship with God, our communication skills, the development of our character,  our ability to be more productive and goal oriented, as well as our ability to stretch ourselves beyond our limits. 

All of these things are things we must strive to get better at continually because growth in these areas simply does not happen on it’s own. So my suggestion to you today is to go back to school.  Go back to school in the sense that you develop somewhat of a curriculum for yourself complete with assignments that you must fulfill so that you can get better with time. 

For example, lets say you want to be more productive.  So try to set aside thirty minutes to an hour a day in which you will commit to learning about being a more productive person.  Go to the library and check out some books on productivity and start to read and obtain knowledge on this topic.  Now you might be saying to yourself, “My life is busy I don’t have an hour or even thirty minutes to set aside for this.”  Don’t worry, I understand which is why I take advantage of audio books.  They are great because they allow you to learn while you are doing other things like driving in your car, exercising, or even cleaning up the house.

In addition to audiobooks you can also sign up for classes, watch educational videos, or get advice from people who are farther along in the particular area you are striving to grow in.  The point is you should never allow your growth to be left up to chance.  Take control of your life and do what is necessary, so that you can become a better person with time.

Your Thoughts

So what do you think about all of this?  Have you been proactively working to get better with time? Let us know by leaving a comment below.

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2 thoughts on “How To Get Better With Time”

  1. Dear Samonna,

    I am uncertain as to whether you actually receive of even read feedback from your posts as I recall composing quite a detailed response to a previous post (inclusive of my personal testimony), which I was hoping you would have replied to, but to no avail. I suppose you have quite a packed schedule. Nevertheless, regarding this current post, I am not particularly thrilled with the analogy of wine, let alone with the image of the glass of wine. As Seventh-Day Adventist Christians, we do not believe in the consumption of alcohol, for obvious reasons, and most importantly because it is not supported by scripture. As such I would be careful not to include such references to wordly adages in a blog originating from a Seventh-Day Adventist author and website.

    We must be mindful that as Seventh-Day Adventists, we are called to be a holy and peculiar people, unlike any other group of peoples on this earth. We certainly must not conform to the pattern and standards of this world and this peculiarity must be manifested in everything we do and say. As Sister White says, we either gather for Christ or scatter against Him. As many Christians of other denominations believe it is okay to consume alcohol and ofcourse the ungodly being of the same camp, the content of this post may very well be misleading. I personally am of the view that the content of many of your posts are borderline secular. Are you aware that we are living in a Judgement Hour? It is indeed a very solemn time my Sister, and the only thing we need to be concerned with is ensuring that our robes have been washed in the spotless blood of the Lamb, along with the proclamation of the three angels’ messages of Revelation 14. God Bless.

    Your Sister in Christ,
    Surita Daniel


      Surita, I have responded to each of your comments. As a matter of fact if you go to the last blog post that you commented on, you will see that I responded publicly. God bless!

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